Track Replacement
Customer Issue: Mrs. Payne had no idea why her garage door had started to move so slowly lately, but she had grown tired of it.
Our Solution: After taking a look at Mrs. Payne’s garage door, our technicians located the source of the problem. The track had become damaged from rust and broke, hence causing the struggle for the door to move properly. We disconnected the cable and springs, as well as the opener, to bring the door down out of the way. Our team then replaced the track with a new one.

Panel Replacement
Customer Issue: After an accident with his car, Mr. Gutierrez found that damage had occurred to one of the panels on his garage door.
Our Solution: Our experts took care to find a new panel of the right color and size so that there would be no discernable difference between the new and old panel. The garage door was taken down from the system so that the broken panel could be easily unbolted and removed from it. The new panel was installed into place before the door returned.

Cable Replacement
Customer Issue: This customer’s cable had broken due to wear over the years.
Our Solution: The broken cable was unwound and removed from the system after we clamped the door to stay open reliably. New cable was threaded through and secured into place. Our professionals then tested to ensure everything was working and there were no other problems to be addressed.

Spring Replacement
Customer Issue: Broken spring.
Our Solution: Mr. Newton called us after experiencing the aforementioned mentioned scenario. This type of accident can be incredibly dangerous, as not only does the door slam down, the spring itself can whip around and lacerate anyone who happens to be in the vicinity. We quickly replaced Mr. Newton's torsion spring and adjusted its tension to make sure the door was fully functional and safe for him to use.

Roller Replacement
Customer Issue: Worn garage door rollers.
Our Solution: This customer contact our team because his door was making a lot of noise each time it moved. If it's not the torsion spring that's responsible for the loud squeaking, it's usually the rollers. That was the case when we inspected this customer's system. We removed all the worn units and fitted new steel rollers in their place. We then lubricated them and tried opening and closing the door several times to make sure the noisy was completely gone.

Opener Repair
Customer Issue: Opener trolley broke.
Our Solution: This customer called us after realizing his door wouldn't open automatically anymore. It took us less than a minute to discover that the trolley which connects the opener and the door had broken. We replaced it with a new unit and the problem was solved.